Friday, September 14, 2007

What's Happening?

Thanks for asking! Here's what happening in 5M:

-Christian Ethics: Students are putting together Powerpoint presentations to represent the story of God's creation. He is truly a God of Wonders! Students are enthusiastically finding "awe-some" pictures to give a glimpse of God's amazing creation.

-English Language Arts: We're in the midst of our first writing piece- a personal memoir. After reading through examples of memoirs, students are now working through the writing process to create their own memoir.

-Teacher Read Aloud: Now this is a definite highlight. We're in the heart of a fantastic book by Canadian author Deborah Ellis. The title of the book is "The Breadwinner". The book tells the experiences, adventures and struggles of a young girl living in Afghanistan.

-Science: Our first unit of the year is focused on "Matter and Its Changes" (something like an introduction to basic chemistry). We've had some exciting experiments conducted by a most unique classroom visitor, and today we will gain familiarity with the elements on the periodic table by playing "Element Bingo".

-Social: We are continuing on our journey through Canada. This week we worked on our Canada maps, as well as learning how to sing a Canadian folk song. Next week we'll learn a bit about the Canadian Maple Leaf, as well as focusing on the physical regions of Canada.

-Math: We are wrapping up our first unit on place value with review activities, as we prepare for our test on Tuesday. Next up is a unit on addition and subtraction.

-Health: We have been discussing what it means to be healthy- not only in the physical sense but social, spiritual and mental health. At the moment we are creating collages that represent what it means to be a "healthy temple of God".

There you have it! That's the latest from 5M! Our year is off to a great start.
